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Common Lighting Design Mistakes And How You Can Fix Them

It’s true that the right types of lighting in an interior design can make a home more inviting and easy on the eyes. However, overeager design choices can lead to lighting mistakes that end up having a negative impact on the design of your space.

To help you make the most of your living or office space, here are some of the most common lighting mistakes and how you can avoid them.

  1. No use of accent lighting In interior design, there are three basic types of lighting: task lighting, ambient lighting, and accent lighting. Accent lighting highlights the most important parts of a space whether those parts be a painting, an award, or a small statue. Accent lighting also helps to create more depth in a space by providing more than one light source.

  2. Lack of layered lighting Speaking of creating depth, layered lighting is when an interior design utilizes overhead, ambient, and task lighting all in one space rather than simply washing the entire room in one light source. This creates depth in a room like adding shading and highlights in an artwork. Consider layering your lighting the next time you visit a lighting company for inspiration.

  3. Dim lighting choices A room with dim lighting looks foreboding, unwelcoming, and closed off. As any lighting company will tell you, this can be a big problem in small spaces. Using task lighting or accent lighting from the top lighting brands offered by a professional lighting company Like Arrow Lighting in Larchmont.* (edit)

  4. Lighting choices that are too bright Bright lights are great lights until they’re too bright. Just like dim lighting can make a space feel unwelcoming, so can harsh lighting which often recreates the sterile look of a hospital. Harsh, bright ambient lighting can cause headaches and, like dim lighting, lacks depth. Change your bulbs and add task and accent lighting to the room where natural lighting can’t reach.

  5. Wrong choice of lighting fixtures The finest contemporary lighting can look great in any space. That is unless it’s in the wrong place. Your lighting fixture shouldn’t hang too low or too high and should able to blend in well enough with the rest of the interior design even if it’s meant to stand out.

Just like in photography, the right or wrong lighting can make or break an interior design. By following these tips, you can be sure that the lighting you choose in your space will make your home look that much more inviting to guests and to your own eyes.

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