Market leader for industrial steam turbines:
We provide a broad variety of durable and versatile steam turbines in the power output range of 2 to 250 MW as the market leader for industrial steam turbines. Our industrial steam turbines are built for ease of assembly, quick startup, and low operating costs.
Steam turbine with center steam admission:
The SST-800 is a single casing steam turbine with center steam admission and reverse steam flow inner casing that can be used with a direct linked generator or mechanical drive.
The turbine's highly specialized design ensures great efficiency, quick start-up times, and excellent dependability and availability. It meets all of the requirements for cost-effective installation and operation, as well as maximum flexibility for complicated industrial operations. A dual or perhaps multiple casing solution is also possible.
Both condensing and back-pressure applications are possible with the SST-800 steam turbine. Turbine auxiliary systems are also pre-engineered modules that are available in a variety of sizes.
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